Address and contact information

Haven Rotterdam

On this page you can find all relevant address and contact information for Vigilia Shipping BV. Also on this page you will have the ability to send us a message or question through the online contact form.

Mailing address

Vigilia Shipping BV
t.a.v. M. van Gent
Zilverreiger 29
3341 BW Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht

Contact details

+31 (0)6-54305456 Phone: E-mail: Website:
@VigiliaShipping Twitter:

Company details

24361766 Chamber of Commerce nr:
NL 818633852 B01 VAT nr:
NL 818633852 EORI nr:
ZH 517492VXXX NIWO nr:
30374 PDV nr:
Rabobank Bank:
353233447 Account nr:
NL25 RABO 0353 2334 47 IBAN:

Vigilia Shipping BV

Contact form

Other than contacting us by phone, email and Twitter, it's also possible to contact us by using the online form below. All fields with a red star U kunt behalve via telefoon, email en Twitter ook contact met ons opnemen door het onderstaande contact formulier in te vullen. De velden met een rood sterretje zijn verplichte verlden. Dat wil zeggen dat deze velden altijd ingevuld dienen te worden.

Contact formulier EN

Contact formulier EN

Indien u contact wenst op te nemen met Vigilia Shipping, dan kunt u dit formulier gebruiken. Op die manier bent u er altijd zeker van dat wij uw bericht ontvangen.

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Safety en privacy

The contact form is protected in several ways and in addition we store IP addresses in order to prevent abuse of this form. In case of fraudulent acts Vigilia Shipping BV will immediately proceeded to report it to the appropriate legal authorities. Vigilia Shipping BV respects your privacy, therefore we will never share and / or sell your personal information to third-parties. Your information will only be used in case of abuse.